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Workshop: Unboxing Accessibility 2024 Summer/Fall Program Participation Application

Unboxing Accessibility
August 6, 2024
The Greater Toronto Area (Toronto East/Scarborough), Canada
Job Type


Unboxing Accessibility is a free 4-month mentorship program for BIPOC young people with disabilities. This hybrid program empowers youth with a sense of belonging, social connection, and a space to explore why their voice matters. Participants will have the opportunity to participate as a mentor or mentee to start a dialogue with each other through journal writing, storytelling, visual arts, and interactive digital media. In addition, participants will receive a program kit that contains tools, equipment, and/or resources to compliment weekly sessions. By the end of the program, participants will be connected to a community, have gained advocacy and leadership skills and an opportunity to showcase their stories through a public viewing or exhibition.

Program Times and Dates: Every Wednesdays with varying times

Mentor participants: July 2 - October 23 (*Updated to*6:15 - 8:45 pm), October 30 (Make-up date)
Mentee participants: August 14 - October 23 (*Updated to*6:45 - 8:15 pm), October 30 (Make-up date)
Dates and times are subject change.
Program Delivery: Hybrid
Location: Toronto East/Scarborough for in-person sessions and Google Meet/Zoom for virtual sessions
If you have any questions, concerns, or require assistance with completing this application, please don't hesitate to contact us at
The application is a Google Form:
For more information about what we do, visit:
Only registered members can apply for jobs.
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