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Call for Submissions: Planet Female Global StoryFest

Planet Female Media
July 10, 2024
Westchester, New York
Job Type


Planet Female Media embraces the female weavers of story from page to performance, screenplay to cinematic vision. This first year of the Planet Female Global StoryFest, Planet Female Media invites you, our dear sisters, to join our movement in a celebration of our Yin creativity, the divine tales and truths within us, and of our kindreds, all of which we access through living life, time and experience. She has something to say. We hear her. We have created a space for visual storytelling crafted by Women for Women and by those who identify as such. We are ethically mining the inexhaustible vault of feminine fable and fact to be shared, inspired by, and learned from. In this inaugural year, we will carefully review submissions and award the best in several categories. Having partnered with Manhattanville University in Westchester NY, a half hour drive/train from NYC and a 12 minute drive from White Plains Airport, submissions that stand out will be selected. Saturday, November 9, 2024, these selected films and scripts will be showcased with screenings and staged readings in the 150-seat Pius X Theater on Manhattanville University's Campus. And there will be trophies! 

o When/Where: November 9, 2024, Manhattanville University, Westchester, NY.  

o Deadline: July 31 (Regular Deadline), August 31 (Extended Deadline), September 30 (Late Deadline)  

o Application Fee: $13-60 USD, category dependant. 


o Eligibility: To be considered by PFGSF for any of the Best Film Awards, at least one female or female identifying individual must be involved in creative leadership as screenwriter or director. If a female or female identifying individual is not in a creative leadership role, (screenwriter or director) the film's plot, subject, or main theme must be female centered. To be considered in a specific category other than best film or performance awards, there must be a female or female-identifying individual in the role. For Best Director, a female or female-identifying individual must be the film's Director. By submitting a project, e.g., a film, music video, poster, stage play or screenplay to the PFGSF, you as owner of submitted project/media, grant Planet Female Media the following: 

  • Our screening committee and Jury to view and judge your project. 
  • Planet Female Media to promote the project, movie trailer, artwork, and all other materials pertaining to your project and allow Planet Female Media its use in all forms of written, spoken, and visual communications as pertaining to the PFSF without restriction.
    PFGSF winners names and home city listed on our website.
    PFGSF to screen/feature the the project during a scheduled PFGCA event and/or a curated exhibit for a limited time, without restriction. 
Only registered members can apply for jobs.
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