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Call for Submissions: New Works Festival

New Works Festival
July 3, 2024
Job Type


Are you an emerging playwright wanting to see your work brought to the big stage? Well, you’re in luck because this year’s New Works Festival is now accepting playwright applications!
Here’s what you need to know:
This year’s submission deadline is September 13th, 2024
Submissions must be sent to and include the following:
- A play that is 30-40 minutes in length
- A professional resume outlining your theatre and writing experience
- A letter of intent that answers the following:
• Why should your play be produced?
• Why do you want to be involved in our festival?
• What do you hope to gain from New Work’s mentorship opportunities?
• Are there any potential time conflicts that we should be aware of?
Plays that are submitted do not have to be final drafts! Part of our mission is to help you to get your show festival-ready.
Applications are open for all UofA students and alumni of up to 4 years. All submissions must be sent to to be up for consideration.
Have any questions or concerns about the submission process? Send them to and we’d be happy to help you.
Only registered members can apply for jobs.
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