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Call for Submissions: Brown Skinned Girls – An Evening of Shorts

Hepburn Hooks Theatre Company
July 10, 2024
United Kingdom
Job Type


The Hepburn Hooks Theatre Co. is looking to hear stories from Black and Brown women (in the broad sense of the term). The plays may be set in any era, tackle whichever subject you desire, and may not even centre Black/Brown women at all!

They are looking to pick the brains of young, BIPOC female playwrights from across the world, and get a sense of how they feel about the world at large, or very specific things in it. Let your imagination run wild - do not be afraid to be goofy, cringey, subversive, and unapologetically militant - they want to see and hear it all.

For more information: visit their website.

To submit: click here.

Only registered members can apply for jobs.
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