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Acting Workshop with Anand Rajaram

Red Beti Theatre
September 25, 2024
Job Type


Professional Development Workshops

Limited spots: APPLY SOON!
Submissions requirements differ
Please send expressions of interest to:

Located at Theatre Aquarius, Hamilton

Sunday, October 6th - Anand's Acting Workshop 9 am - 12 pm

With a focus on finding subtext and nuance in script, this brief workshop will offer ACTORS tools to deconstruct text and enhance their performances.

Anand Rajaram is an improviser, actor, playwright, director, musician, teacher & puppeteer. Recently, he was in A Public Reading Of An Unproduced Screenplay About The Death Of Walt Disney (Outside The March/Soulpepper), Mahabharata (Shaw Festival), Uncle Vanya (Crow’s/Mirvish), Buffoon by Anosh Irani & Mustard by Kat Sandler (Tarragon, Dora award for both), adapted/performed Rohinton Mistry’s The Scream, (SummerWorks, Best Production), and has performed at Second City, Stratford, VideoCabaret, and others. He's an accomplished film & tv performer, with notable roles in I Like Movies, Suits, Men With Broome (TV series), and others, as well as a voiceover artist for video games & cartoons. He directed As You Like It (Canadian Stage's Dream in High Park), Low Pay Don't Pay (George Brown theatre school), and 3 Penguin Audiobooks (Swimming in the Monsoon Sea & Mansions of the Moon by Shyam Selvadurai, Tell Me Pleasant Things About Immortality by Lindsay Wong), and narrated novels, including Kill The Mall by Pasha Malla and Tell It To The Trees by Anita Rau Badami. He is artistic director of @N@f@N@ (theatre) and Cardboard Dreams (digital media). Social media: HRH Anand Rajaram.

Actor Submissions:

Tell us a joke, anecdote or story (60-90 seconds). Those of interest will be contacted. Must ALSO be able to participate in Directors’ workshops AND ATTEND dye FESTIVAL plays.

Only registered members can apply for jobs.
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