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CANCOM Canada Jul, 18
Access Copyright Foundation Canada Feb, 28
Woodcock Fund Grant Grant Opportunity
Writers' Trust of Canada Canada Feb, 16
Create Grant Opportunity
Manitoba Arts Council Canada Jan, 22
Canada Council for the Arts Canada Jan, 22
Professional Development Grant Grant Opportunity
Winnipeg Arts Council Canada Jan, 22
Manitoba Arts Council Canada Jan, 22
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs Canada Jan, 10
Share – Artists in Schools Grant Opportunity
Manitoba Arts Council Canada Nov, 29
Indigenous 360 Grant Opportunity
Manitoba Arts Council Canada Nov, 29
Share – Present Grant Opportunity
Manitoba Arts Council Canada Nov, 29
Create Grant Opportunity
Manitoba Arts Council Canada Nov, 29
Ontario Arts Council Canada Oct, 19
Access Copyright Canada Jan, 20
The Great Canadian Playwright Showcase Canada Sep, 23
Canada Council for the Arts Canada Oct, 29
Ontario Arts Council Canada Oct, 29
SK Arts Canada Oct, 08
SK Arts Canada Oct, 08
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