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Diversionary: Seeking new, full-length LGBTQIA+ works

Diversionary Theatre
March 1, 2024
San Diego, California
Job Type


Diversionary is always seeking new, full-length LGBTQIA+ works for consideration. Please follow the guidelines below if you would like to submit your work. Because of the volume of submissions, those that do not follow the guidelines will not be considered.

Deadline: None

Application Fee: None

Eligibility: Please send all of the above items as a single document in pdf format to For music, please send the items in mp3 format or include a link to be accessed. No physical submissions sent to the theatre will be considered.

  • a one-page synopsis, character breakdown, and playwright bio
  • a development/production history of the submitted work (including date written and any readings, workshops, and full stagings)
  • a ten-page sample of the work
  • three audio recordings of music, twelve minutes total, if it’s a musical

Categories: Full Length Plays, Musicals


Submission Information

Only registered members can apply for jobs.
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