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Residency: Creation Incubator Residency

Tweed & Company Theatre
July 28, 2021
Tweed, Canada
Job Type


We are excited to announce a new opportunity for artists to develop a new musical or music-theatre piece in residency at Frost House. Creation Incubator Residencies will provide artists with a stipend and accommodation for one week, giving them time and space to focus on their creation process. Artists will be given opportunities to share their work with our audiences, and it is our hope that these residencies will lead to new productions that Tweed & Company will premiere; continuing our tradition of producing high-quality original Canadian musical theatre in Hastings County.

Tweed & Company Theatre strongly encourages submissions from equity-seeking communities and intersecting identities to apply, including Black, Indigenous and/or Two-Spirit people, People of Colour, LGBTQIA and/or those who identify as Deaf, Mad or Disabled. Tweed & Company is committed to offering at least 50% of the residencies to artists or artistic teams led by artists who identify as belonging to these communities.
Your Project
You can apply for a residency with a proposal for a new piece, or a piece in the early stages of development. Pieces that have already been produced are not eligible.

Your piece might be a song cycle written for a small ensemble, or a full-scale musical for a large cast and full band!

We are open to receiving applications from individual creators (playwrights, singer/songwriters) or collectives/companies.

Support Provided

Projects selected for an interview will be invited to meet with the Artistic Team of Tweed & Co to further discuss their ideas and what support Tweed & Co could provide their specific project (i.e. access to costume and prop inventory, access to lighting and sound equipment inventory, producing support, artistic collaborators/mentors, etc.). All projects chosen to participate in a residency will be guaranteed accommodation for 1 week, space to work at Frost House, and a micro-grant (see below) in addition to any project-specific support. All current provincial COVID guidelines must be followed and, as such, scheduled residency dates may be pushed depending on how the restrictions evolve.

Tweed & Co is a professional theatre company that employs actors and creative team members at Equity rates. We are committed to providing each project selected with a $1000 micro-grant that the lead collaborators can spend on their creation residency as they see fit (artistic fees, payment of a mentor, purchasing of software, rental of instruments etc.).

At the end of their residency, artists will share their work, or excerpts of their work, at whatever stage of development it is in, for Tweed & Company to share with sponsors and donors and/or on social media. This might be in the form of a workshop presentation, blog/vlog posts, photos, recorded samples, a video reflection etc.

Tweed & Company will maintain first right of refusal to produce a full production of the piece for two years following the creation residency. If the project receives a production offer from another company during that time and the artistic team chooses to accept this offer, the $1000 grant must be returned to Tweed & Company.

Tweed & Company is committed to providing artists with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment, and fostering an inclusive and supportive workplace. In addition to adhering to Tweed & Company and CAEA policies, we will collaborate with residency artists to create a Community Agreement specific to their work to ensure the safety and well-being of all.

To Apply**

Please send the following to Tricia Black (Creative Director):

1. CV/Statement of Experience*
We are open to receiving theatre CVs, work resumes, a combination of the two, or any other document (max 2 pages) that outlines the experience you have in performance/creation roles. This might include education, volunteer positions, employment, workshops and courses, community arts projects etc.

As we are committed to offering at least 50% of the residencies to artists or artistic teams led by artists who identify as Black, Indigenous or Two-Spirit people, People of Colour, LGBTQIA and/or those who identify as Deaf, Mad or Disabled, we invite you to share how you self-identify in this part of your application.

If you would prefer to speak this part of your application instead of submitting a written document, you can send us an audio recording in which you describe your past/current experiences. If you choose this option, please make sure this recording is distinct from your statement of interest and submit them as two different audio recordings!

*Please include for each key artistic collaborator

2. Statement of Interest
Tell us about your project! What stage of development is the piece in? Who is involved in the creation process? Are you seeking additional collaborators?
If selected, how would you like to spend your one-week residency? How could Tweed & Company best support your process?

Your statement of interest can be submitted as a:
o  Written document (max 2 pages)
o  Video (max 3 minutes)
o  Audio recording (max 3 minutes)

3. Work Sample
Please include a maximum of 10 pages of written work or 5 minutes of recorded material (audio or video clips). This could be from the project you are submitting to this call and/or previous work. Your sample can include work from several projects.

If this is your first time creating a piece and you do not have any work samples, please submit a one-page pitch of this project that includes a premise, notes on the world of the piece, ideas for characters, tone, genre, and any references or inspirations that will help us understand the drive of the piece. If you have any questions, please reach out to Tweed & Co's Creative Director Tricia at

** Please advise us of any accommodation measures required which would enable you to apply for this position.

Deadline to Apply: Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis. Applicants will be notified of the status of their submission within three months of submitting.
Questions? Contact Tricia Black (Creative Director) at

Only registered members can apply for jobs.
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