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Contest: Shubert Fendrich Memorial Playwriting Contest

Pioneer Drama Service
July 11, 2024
United States of America
Job Type


To encourage the development of quality theatrical materials for the educational, community and children’s theatre markets, Pioneer Drama Service is proud to sponsor the annual Shubert Fendrich Memorial Playwriting Contest.

Submissions will be accepted on an on-going basis with a December 31 cutoff each year.  All eligible plays accepted for publication will be considered contest finalists, from which the winner will be selected by April 30 of the year following submission.  The contest winner will receive a $1,000 royalty advance in addition to publication.

Contest entries must meet all general guidelines and submission requirements.

Individuals currently published by Pioneer Drama Service are not eligible for this contest.  Pioneer Drama Service employees and their families are also excluded.

If you are a faculty member at an accredited K-12 public or private school in the US or Canada, you may also qualify for our A+ Playwriting Contest for Teachers.

Check out our list of past contest winners for examples of desirable submissions.

Submission Directions

Only registered members can apply for jobs.
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