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A huge thank you to all of our wonderful and generous donors!

Donor lists are updated on the 15th and 30th of each month.

2023 Donors

Sally Clark (In memory of Clarke Rogers)

Beth Graham

Shelley Hoffman

Liesl Lafferty

Lori McIntyre

Janet Munsil

Albert Rau

Valerie Sing Turner

Tom Slater (in memory of Kay McKie)

Katherine Turnbull

50th Anniversary Donors (2022)

A.M. Matte
(In honour of Muriel Gold Poole)

BettyJane Wylie

Bryan Wade
(In memory of Eric Steiner)

Cameron Grant 

Carol Libman

Catherine Banks
(In honour of Wendy Lill and Sharon Pollock)

CB Campbell 

Chris Tolley

Clem Martini

Colin Rivers

Colleen Murphy
(In honour of Carol Bolt)

 Damien Atkins 

Dave Carley
(In memory of Jane Buss and Gay Revell)

David Copelin

David Edney

David S. Craig
(In honour of Mary Vingoe)

Denise Dale

Douglas Rodger
(In memory of David Fox)

Frank Trotz 

Gary Geddes

Guillermo Verdecchia

Jan Taylor

Janice Rapoport

Jeff Pitcher 

Jennifer Wise 

John Cook 

John Lazarus

Kaitlyn Riordan

Keith Barker

Kevin Longfield

Larry Zacharko
(In honour of Bernard Bomers) 

Leonard Linklater

Liesl Lafferty 

Linda Wood Edwards

Louise Casemore

Lucia Frangione 

Lucy Brennan

Lynn Martin

Mansel Robinson

Marcia Johnson

Marion de Vries (In honour of Lee Maracle & Daniel David Moses)

Mary Vingoe 

Matt & Melissa Yuan-Innes
(In honour of Jim Yuan)

Maurice Breslow 

Michael Khashmanian 

Norman Reynolds

Owen Belgrave

Paul Ledoux
(In memory of Carol Bolt) 

Peter Colley 

Philip Adams
(In honour of Helen Thundercloud) 

Richard Epp

Robert MacLean

Robert Simpson

Robert & Susan Morgan

Ron Getz

Sally Clark
n Memory of Clarke Rogers for his passion for script-based theatre, dedication to playwrights; for all that he contributed to Canadian theatre.)

 Scott Larose

Sheila Toller

Shelley Hoffman 

Simon Johnston 

Stephen Morris 

Stephen Orlov (In honour of Aviva Ravel)

Steve Boily 

Sunny Drake 

Talia Pura

Todd Verco

Tom Slater

Veralyn Warkentin

Wayne Fairhead
(In honour of Mira Friedlander) 

Anonymous (10)

2019-20 Donors

Alexander Thomas

Albert Rau

Armin Wiebe

Chris Tolley

Florence MacDonald

Ilana Lucas

Kate Cornell

Lost & Found Theatre

Luke Reece

Patti Flather

Rahul Varma

Some Strange Reason Theatreworks

Trudee Romanek

Anonymous (60)

2021-22 Donors

Aviva Fleising

Jeff Pitcher

Albert Rau

Anonymous (14)

2023 Tom Hendry Award Donors

Carol Bolt Award

Alberta Playwrights’ Network, Manitoba Association of Playwrights (MAP), Playwrights Atlantic Resource Centre (PARC), Playwrights Canada Press, Playwrights’ Workshop Montreal, The Playwright Theatre Centre,  Saskatchewan Playwrights Centre, Scirocco Drama, and Playwrights Guild of Canada.


RBC Emerging Playwright Award The RBC Emerging Artists Fund
The Playwrights Guild of Canada Drama Award Playwrights Guild of Canada

The Playwrights Guild of Canada Comedy Award


Playwrights Guild of Canada

The Dan School of Drama & Music Musical Award


The Dan School of Drama & Music, Queen’s University.

The Arts and Letters Club of Toronto Foundation’s Robert Beardsley Award for Young Playwrights


The Theatre for Young Audiences Award

Arts and Letters Club of Toronto Foundation



The Estate of Dorothy Lees-Blakey

The John Palmer Award Family, Friends & Colleagues of John Palmer
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