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Looking to meet fellow playwrights? Have an itch to read your work publicly?

Apply to Craft Bites!

Craft Bites is a webinar series that introduces PGC members and their work to peers while being able to invite others to listen in.  Applications for this coming round in 2024/2025 of readings will open April 11th. Please see dates below for this year’s Craft Bites application dates.


Craft Bites is launching Internationally with English speaking playwrights from other countries around the world!

Successful applicants will be paired up with another playwright from another country and will be given a date and time to meet online. During that online meeting, you will each read a 10-minute excerpt from your own play and then discuss your craft together. This will be a public, online event and you will receive a $150 reading fee through the PlayConnect Program. This is a great way to discuss your craft with fellow playwrights, promote your work, and test out new drafts – raw and fresh material is welcome here just as much as older works that you want to re-visit!

To be eligible for Craft Bites, you need to be a PGC member (all types of membership count). For this round, PGC is giving priority to members who have not participated in a Craft Bites before. Those that participated in last season will not move forward in the application process.

Applications open on June 11th, 2024

Applications close on June 25th, 2024


The process will consist of an application which will close on June 25th, 2024. The second step consists of a Jury panel that will evaluate each application and pair up the playwrights to those participants from other countries.  All applicants will be notified in August of whether they are successful with their application.


Please note we have limited spots as we begin this new pilot program, and every effort will be made to include as many playwrights as possible. 


If you have any questions about Craft Bites or need assistance with your submission, please email Monique at


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