Christine Lesiak

Pronouns: She/Her



Photographer: Marc J. Chalifoux Photography

Christine Lesiak is an Edmonton /amiskwacîwâskahikan-based theatre artist, raised in Fredericton, in New Brunswick. She is director of her independent theatre company, Small Matters Productions (, and co-created and performed in all 10 of Small Matters’ productions, including the multiple-Sterling award-winning production, The Spinsters. With her text-based playwriting, she is keenly interested in radical adaptation, and is the recipient of an Alberta Playwright’s Network Prize for her play, The Space Between Stars, based on Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince. Christine holds a BSc in Physics, and a Masters of Fine Arts in Drama from the University of Alberta.
W: | FB: @Christine.Lesiak | IG: @christinelesiak

Plays Available at the Canadian Play Outlet:

The Space Between Stars

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