
How can I pay for my membership? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Membership can be paid by credit card, e-transfer, or cheque.

Need to call? 416-703-0201

How long is my membership term? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Membership covers a one-year (365 day) period.

What are the membership categories? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Membership categories include Full, Estate, Supporting, Student. Read details on our Membership Page.

What are the membership prices? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

$155 (Full), $55 (Estate), $35 (Supporting), $20 (Student).

13% tax to be added to each payment (automatic if paying by credit card).


Who can offer a PlayConnect program? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

A variety of different organizations can host a reading including (but not limited to) theatres, community organizations, schools, libraries, and bookstores. The program can be offered live or online.

What does PlayConnect support? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

This program supports playwrights reading from their own work. The event must be open to the public, free of charge. The program does not support readings using an actor or cast. The program does not support workshops, dramaturgy, or script development.

Is there a cost for a host organization? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Yes, there is a $50 fee (plus tax).

Are there other costs? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

No, PGC covers the playwrights’ fees and any travel subsidies.

Can the host organization charge admission? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary


How do I participate? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Please submit an application. Read details on our Playconnect Application Page.

Is participation guaranteed? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

No. Staff will review and be in touch. There are a variety of reasons we may not be able to accommodate your request including (but not limited to) budget, availability of playwright(s), and may not meet the program criteria.

When can I apply? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Anytime. If subsidies are still available, our site will accept your application. Read details PlayConnect Application Page.

Is there funding left in the PlayConnect program? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

PGC subsidizes the PlayConnect program by paying playwrights’ fees and travel (*limited). Host applications may exceed our budget allocations. Our site will be updated if subsidies have been fully allocated for the year. You may also email the Program Manager at marketing@playwrightsguild.ca.

As a playwright, do I complete the PlayConnect application? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

No, PGC accepts applications from host organizations (e.g. theatres, community organizations, schools, libraries, and bookstores).

As a playwright, am I eligible to participate in a PlayConnect reading? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Yes, if you are a full member in good standing, then you are eligible for two readings between April 1st and March 31st. Read details PlayConnect Application Page.


Are webinars open to everyone? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Yes, [synchronous] webinars are open to anyone interested in participating. There is no cost for current PGC members. There is a nominal fee for a non-member.

Are webinars available online? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Yes, [asynchronous] webinars are open to current PGC members.

Script Sales

What is the Play Distribution Program? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

If you have an unpublished script that is ready for sales, PGC can assist you. We can assign an ISBN to new, unregistered works and make digital copies available for sale through the Canadian Play Outlet.

How do I get my plays listed in the Play Distribution Program? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

To have your plays entered in the Play Distribution Program, please read the details and submit an application on our Membership Page. You may also email the Program Manager at orders@playwrightsguild.ca.

Will I earn money when my script is sold through the Play Distribution Program? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Yes. Read about script royalties on the Play Distribution Program page. You may also email the Program Manager at orders@playwrightsguild.ca.

Tom Hendry Awards

What is the Tom Hendry Awards? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

The Awards, named for a PGC founder, are given annually to new plays submitted by PGC members in several categories, including comedy, drama, musical, TYA (theatre for young audiences), emerging playwrights, and premiere productions.

Are all new plays automatically considered? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

No, playwrights choose to submit their work through our annual submission process.

How do I apply? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

The application process generally opens each February and is open for 6-8 weeks. Please read all awards criteria, details and deadlines on the Tom Hendry Awards Page. You may also email the program manager at marketing@playwrightsguild.ca.

Is there a fee? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Yes, there is a fee for each submission.

Can I submit the same play to more than one category? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

No, you must submit the work to the category most appropriate for the genre of the work. (Note: The Emerging Playwright Award has unique criteria, which may allow you to submit to it AND a ‘genre’ category).

Can I submit the same play I submitted last year? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

No, works that have been considered in a prior year are not eligible.

How are finalists and recipients selected? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

All submissions are considered by a peer assessment panel. The panelists do not know the author of the works until after all decisions have been finalized.

When do I find out if I have been shortlisted for an award? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

The Tom Hendry Awards shortlists are often released in late September – early October every year.

Can I submit my name to potentially be on a peer assessment panel? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Yes, please read the details here and complete the form. You may also email the Program Manager at marketing@playwrightsguild.ca.


I’m a member and I have news or an upcoming event to share. How do I do that? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

For news, please fill out the news submission form. For events, please fill out the events submission form. If you have any further questions, they can be directed to the Program Manager at news@playwrightsguild.ca or events@playwrightsguild.ca


I have a great opportunity for Canadian Playwrights. Will PGC help me spread the word? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Yes, if you have a submission call, play competition, residency, etc., you would like to be shared with playwrights, please complete our form HERE. You may email the Program Manager at opps@playwrightsguild.ca if you have any further questions.

Canadian Play Outlet

I ordered a digital script and it didn't show up in my inbox right away, why? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Once you have purchased a digital script, you are sent an email with a link for downloading. If you do not see this email in your inbox, you may want to check your spam folder. Should you have any difficulty with this link, please email orders@playwrightsguild.ca.

I’d like to order printed scripts from a digital download. Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

To order printed scripts from a digital download, contact the Program Manager at orders@playwrightsguild.ca. Specify which play you want, and how many printed scripts you will need. They will follow up with the information about costs, shipping, and payment.

I wanted a digital copy of a play but only a hard copy is available. Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

We publish our members’ works as digital scripts to provide access until their works are formally published as printed books or anthologies. When a hard copy is in print, only that edition may be sold. When it goes out of print, we ask the playwright if they’d like a digital version to be made available.

I couldn’t purchase from your website / I need another payment method. Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

If you’re having trouble checking out online, need to submit a purchase order, or your institution requires you to pay by a method other than credit card, please contact the Program Manager at orders@playwrightsguild.ca.

I don’t see the play I’m looking for when I search your webstore. Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Our first priority is to stock our members’ plays, and to provide access to a selection of published plays or anthologies by non-members. Please contact the Program Manager at orders@playwrightsguild.ca if you’d like to know the status of a script.

I am looking for a play fitting very specific criteria (cast size, audience age, themes). Can PGC help me narrow my search? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

When you’re not looking for a specific play, but do have specific criteria, visit our full collection of scripts on the Canadian Play Outlet and use the advanced search filters to select the things you’re looking for in a play! This is the quickest and easiest way to find what you’re looking for.


Is permission required to stage a play? (Rights) Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Yes, regardless if the work is produced by a professional theatre, community theatre, educational institution, or other group, the playwright, their agent, or their estate, must provide written permission prior to beginning any element of the production. Exemption: The work is in the public domain.

Can a play be changed when staging it (e.g change text, cut scenes)? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

No, not without the express written permission of the playwright (or the estate).

Can a play be adapted by a new author? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Not without the express written permission of the playwright (or the estate). Ensure a contract is in place and payment terms are clear.

Can a play be translated by a new author? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Not without the express written permission of the playwright (or the estate). Ensure a contract is in place and payment terms are clear.

Is payment required for a production of a play? (Royalties) Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

Yes, regardless if the work is produced by a professional theatre, community theatre, educational institution or other group, the playwright should be paid for the use of their copyrighted work. Exemption: The work is in the public domain.

Can you tell me more about royalty payments for professional productions? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

With professional productions in Canada, the playwright usually gets 10% of the box-office (or sometimes 12% if it is a musical, as the royalties are often shared with co-creators). More detail, contracts, and agreements can be found in the Member Area. [APPROPRIATE LINK]

Can you tell me more about royalty payments for non-professional productions? Open icon Icon that represents the state of the summary

There are several models used for licensing amateur productions, including flat rate and percentage of box office. PGC can help organizations and playwrights to use the right licensing for their production. Find out more about Amateur Rights here. [APPROPRIATE LINK]

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