Craft Bites
Craft Bites is a reading and discussion series that features two playwrights in each session. One hour in length, each Craft Bites session features a short reading from each playwright, followed by an artistic discussion and an open Q&A period. All Craft Bites sessions are held online, are open to anyone as an audience member, are offered at a variety of times and are free.
Launched in 2020, the series had featured hundreds of Canadian playwrights. In 2023, PGC launched Craft Bites International which paired a Canadian playwright with a playwright from another country for readings and conversations in English.
Come be inspired by these talented creators! To tune in, go to our News and Events page and search “Craft Bites” for all upcoming events. Register to get the event link!
If you have questions, please contact the Program Manager at
Welcome to our 2024-25 International Partners
About Our International Partners
Lucille Lortel Theatre (NYC, USA)
The Lucille Lortel Theatre Alcove New Play Development Program is devoted to new writing for performance expressive of diversity and difference from a wide variety of thematic, formal, cultural and linguistic perspectives. The program serves supports dramatists especially in the early stages of their work process.
Playwrights Association of New Zealand
The Playwrights Association of New Zealand Inc. was formed in 1958. The aim of the Association is to foster the writing of plays through Playwriting Seminars, Workshops, Competitions, Play Assessments and newsletters and to foster links between playwright members.
Playwrights Studio, Scotland
Playwrights’ Studio, Scotland was established in 2004 at the behest of playwrights to provide artistically independent career support to the playwrights of Scotland. We are the only arts organisation in the UK exclusively dedicated to the artistic development of writers for live performance. Centring the voice and autonomy of playwrights, we support writers of all levels of experience to reach their creative potential by connecting them with peer support, world-class industry excellence, and opportunities for artistic growth.
Nordic Drama Corner (Finland)
Nordic Drama Corner is the largest drama agency in Finland, Nordic Drama Corner represents many leading Finnish playwrights and novelists and film writers, and constantly strengthens its strong international profile. While representing Finnish dramaturges and playwrights, we carry a broad selection of titles by major dramatists worldwide. We work closely with the entire theatre industry in Finland and we actively cultivate our extensive international network, based on our long-standing presence in the field. Nordic Drama Corner’s earliest roots go back to the 1920s, when two Finnish theatre organizations, The Association of Finnish Theatres and the Association for Amateur and Professional Theatres founded their own theatrical agencies. In 1993, these two organizations combined their agency services, and thus Nordic Drama Corner was formed. In 2002, the agency was re-established as a limited company; theatre organizations still owning the company.
Teksti: The Playwrights' Community (Finland)
Teksti (The Text) is a playwrights’ community founded in 2007 which works in close cooperation with Writers Guild of Finland. The goals of Teksti are the development of Finnish dramatic literature, supporting the identity of the Finnish playwrights, and increasing the prestige and visibility of the profession. As a community, Teksti aims to create connections between playwright and the rest of the theater field as well as to open discussions about the relations between theaters and playwrights.
Writers Guild of Finland (Suomen Näytelmäkirjailijat ja Käsikirjoittajat ry)
Originally founded by a group of writers, Writers Guild of Finland has been in active operation since 1921. Today the guild comprises over 600 members who work as professional script writers for stage, film, television, radio and new media. Both Finnish and Swedish speaking authors are represented by the guild. Writers Guild of Finland protects the professional, copyright and financial interests of its individual members, and handles the rights of properties owned by other controlling bodies such as estates. In addition to negotiating and issuing contracts, we develop codes of practice in co-operation with theatres, television channels and producers. We also work closely with various artistic, copyright and public affairs organisations in order to further the aims of professional writers.
Theatre Arts (South Africa)
Built on the tenets of affordability, inclusivity and accessibility, Theatre Arts is a vibrant home for local theatre practitioners – a place where they can create work, develop skills, perform, engage in dialogue and meet and work with theatre practitioners who come from diverse backgrounds, whether cultural, social, economic or simply in skill and experience. Described as the rehearsal space of choice, Theatre Arts is dedicated to creating the right environment for artists and theatre to flourish.
Women Playwrights International Philippines (WPIP)
The first formally organized country chapter of the Women Playwrights International (WPI). It was launched on November 25, 2020 during The Second Conference for Asia Women and Theater held at the National Arts Center in Mt. Makiling Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. Three years after its establishment, WPIP hosted the 6th WPI Conference supported by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), the Cultural Center of the Philippines, the Japan Fundation Manila Office, and the Asian Cultural Council Philippines Foundation, Incorporated. WPIP’s flagship projects include the Basic Playwriting Workshop for the Indigenous Women, Readathon of Plays in Metro Manila and its Satellite Readathon of Plays in Bacolod City, and the Basic Writing Workshop for Emerging Women Playwrights. WPIP is the partner organization of the International Theater Institute- International Playwrights Forum (ITI-IPF) in the implementation of the Dramaturgy Education Exchange Program in the Philippines. With its unwavering commitment to provide a safe space for sharing, learning, and exchange among Filipino women writers, playwrights and theater artists, WPIP presented its milestone achievement for two decades in the 2020 Festival of Plays by Women on March 6 to 8, 2020. At present, WPIP continues to pursue its various projects across the country while fostering collaborative local and international programs such as the annual Asia Playwrights Festival of the ITI-IPF Korea and Asia Theatre Circle, and the Craft Bites International of the Playwrights Guild of Canada.
International Playwrights’ Forum Philippines (IPFP)
IPFP is the ITI Philippine Centre’s counterpart committee of the International Playwrights’ Forum (IPF), one of the standing committees of the International Theatre Institute (ITI), the largest world organization for the performing arts. IPFP is known for initiating the collaborative implementation of the Dramaturgy Caravan project in the Philippines since 2012, and later expanded into the Dramaturgy Education Exchange Program (DEEP). With WPIP as its implementing organization, in collaboration with the NCCA, Performance Laboratory, Inc., Negros Cultural Foundation, Masskara Theatre Ensemble, the program is institutionalized in the Philippines and becomes a regular component of the Kuris International Theatre Festival held annually in the University of St. La Salle and Negros Museum in Bacolod City. IPFP is also active in conducting various local and international projects such as the 2021 Global Competition for Emergent Playwrights, the GloWplayforum (Global Women’s Online Play Reading and Forum) in 2020 and 2021; Anthology Project: Collection of Plays on Asian Theatre and Social Justice; and the recently launched podcast program, The HeartH Café.
Australian Writers’ Guild
The Australian Writers’ Guild is the professional association representing writers for stage, screen, audio and interactive and has protected and promoted their creative and professional interests for more than 60 years. The Guild’s vision is to see performance writing and performance writers thrive as a dynamic and integral part of Australian storytelling, shaping, reflecting and enhancing the Australian cultural voice in all its diversity. The AWG’s purpose is to promote the role and recognition of – and rewards for – performance writing in Australian society and culture; to pursue a thriving industry environment; to protect and advance rights and opportunities and to promote excellence and improve professional standards, conditions and remuneration.
Glass Mask Theatre (Ireland)
Who are we? Who the hell knows who we are, but the mission of the company is to stage all new Irish and international work, in our strikingly immersive Dublin venue, with a bunch of wild committed theatre artists. We want to uplift the souls of the people who join us and make a theatre ritual every night for our audience. Glass Mask is a new play theatre led by myself, Director, Actor and Writer, Rex Ryan, alongside creative manager Migle Ryan. The company is composed of a bunch of like minded pirate souls of Irish Theatre who have been gifted with a spectacular venue in Dublin City Centre to stage all NEW plays with a full ritual of food and drink pre show as part of the experience. We were named theatre company of the year in our first year active with nothing but a can of tuna and the dreams of a band of stoic theatre artists to our name. Today, Glass Mask is the top new writing theatre in Dublin. We produce all new Irish plays alongside international premiers from some of the best playwrights in the world. From our immersive Dawson Street Venue we attempt to connect people from all walks of life with visceral, raw and joyous theatre. Myself and Migle have seen the power of this small temple over the last few years grow and grow. We have had the most life affirming and uplifting experiences making and sharing work that we think speaks to the hearts of the humans who walk through the doors of the place. Join us. Take a risk on a new play. Step out of comfort and confront the mayhem of life on a stage with a group of strangers. We’re trying to build a place for everyone. That means YOU.
Participate as a Playwright
Looking to meet fellow playwrights? Have an itch to read a short segment of your work publicly?
Open to current PGC members.
PGC pairs playwrights to read 10-minute excerpts of their work, followed by an artistic discussion. The sessions are held online and are open to audiences. Audience members may participate in the open Q&A portion of the event. Each session is one hour long and is facilitated by a PGC staff member.
If a playwright is selected to participate in Craft Bites, PGC will set the date and time, choose the pairings and pay each playwright, utilizing our PlayConnect “half reading” fee.
This is a great way to discuss your craft with fellow playwrights, promote your work, and test out new drafts – raw and fresh material is welcome here just as much as older works that you want to re-visit!
Planning for the 2024-25 season is underway and intake will open in the spring of 2024.
Want to apply? Applications are found on the member page.
If you have questions, please contact the Program Manager at