Carrie Costello

Carrie has adapted seven children’s books into plays for various ages, including The Paper Bag Princess, The Velveteen Rabbit, The Snail and the Whale, and There’s a Mouse in my House. The latter was produced by Carousel Players in 2009 and 2010. Carrie’s next play, Water Under the Bridge was her first historically inspired work, which she co-wrote with Michaela Washburn. This play was produced in 2012 and toured for 2 years across three provinces. Torn Through Time, co-written with Frances Koncan and Cherissa Richards, was produced by Manitoba Theatre for Young People in 2019 for 7-week theatre and school tour. Carrie’s third historically inspired play Frozen River (nîkwatin sîpiy), co-written with Michaela Washburn and Joelle Peters, won the 2021 Sharon Enkin Plays for Young Audiences and was produced by Manitoba Theatre for Young People in 2022 and remounted in 2023 for a national tour.