Donald Molnar

Donald Molnar is a bilingual playwright living in Toronto. He studied Political Science at the University of Victoria, then did a Master’s Degree at McGill University. Sara’s Cave, a Holocaust drama, won several playwriting competitions, and had a workshop production mounted at the Heritage Theatre in the Brampton 2nd Annual NewWorks Playwrights Festival. Inspired by his experience fighting forest fires in Northern Quebec, Molnar wrote a Québecois working class comedy, in French, À la pêche avec Denis, as well as a dance play The Old Wolf and the Sacred Trout, with no dialogue. Molnar co-wrote a play with Alicia Payne, based on a true story about a wrongful conviction, Justice for Maurice Henry Carter. Molnar co-founded a small theatre company, Arbez Drama Projects, with Alicia Payne, which has mounted readings and workshop productions across the United States and Canada.