Rose Cullis

Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them



Photographer: Ralph Kolewe

Rose Cullis is a queer playwright/writer who practices and celebrates all forms of writing and performance. They’ve had work published in a number of theme-based anthologies, and in Brick, Event, Vallum and This Magazine. For a number of years she wrote and performed for queer-themed cabarets like Hysteria and Cheap Queers. She’s produced and presented work at Summerworks and The Toronto Fringe Festival and Rhubarb. Her play, The Happy Woman, was produced by Nightwood Theatre and short-listed for the Carol Bolt award. Cullis completed an MFA in Creative Writing at Guelph University in 2017 with a play called, The Amazing Grace Jones Spaceship. She subsequently attended Banff’s Performing Arts Creative Lab in 2022 to develop After/BAAL, a new play with music. Most recently, our creative team for After/BAAL received grants from Ontario and Canada Arts Council to workshop the play for production.

Plays Available at the Canadian Play Outlet:

The Happy Woman

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