John Cook

Pronouns: He/Him
Photographer: No credit needed
John Cook is based out of Ottawa, Ontario and has been involved in theatre for over twenty-five years as an actor, playwright, director, producer, board member, and artistic director. He has written plays in a wide range of formats and lengths, including ten-minute, one-act, virtual theatre, full length, radio shows, and murder mystery dinner theatre productions. These have been produced by both community and professional theatre companies, as well as theatre schools and drama departments. John is the recipient of three ARTicipate Grants for productions and stage reading of his works and in 2021, his play faith-based play Jack’s Speech was shortlisted for Fire Exit Theatre’s Scripts on Fire New Play Competition. He has also written over two hundred and fifty humour columns for a variety of newspapers and magazines. John is the Chair of the Program Advisory Committee for the Professional Writing Program at Algonquin College.