Enter any co-creators names here
Please include keywords so that your play is more searchable. (For example: dogs, Winnipeg, aging)
Past Professional Productions
If your play has not received a professional production, please leave this section blank and move on to the next section. Do not include information about amateur productions, including staged readings.
Generally speaking, a production is considered professional if the involved artists were contracted and paid according to industry rates (as set by CAEA, PGC, ADC, and so forth). Community theatre and school productions are considered amateur and/or semi-professional, but not professional. Theatre companies that are members of the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres (PACT) are considered professional.
Beyond that, what is considered professional can be slippery and difficult to grasp, as with Fringe Festival scenarios, so if in doubt, please call the office.
Questions to ask for further clarity: Was the playwright paid with royalties (rather than an honorarium)? Were CAEA performers contracted? Was there a charge for admission? If the answer to these three questions is yes, then chances are, you are describing a professional production.
Please enter any information that a producer casting this play may need to know. This may include information on characters’ age, gender, background, racialization, or if any roles can be doubled, etc.
Please enter any information that a producer or educator considering this play might need to know about its content, including if there’s any swearing, references to potentially triggering events, etc.
Please provide the Publisher, ISBN, Title of Publication, Year of Publication, and any other information you wish to share.
Please provide as much information as possible, including name, mailing address, phone number, email address and relationship.
Here you can provide links to positive critical reviews that your play has received for inclusion on the Canadian Play Outlet website.
This information will not be released, but may be used in the creation of curated collections on the Canadian
Play Outlet website. Collections are created regularly to aid in customer engagement and categorize titles by
theme and/or subject matter. Existing collections include “Indigenous Playwrights” “LGBTQI2S Playwrights”
“Black History Month” and others. See all of our collections here: https://www.canadianplayoutlet.com/collections
Please provide any additional notes that the office should be aware of regarding this play.