Edward Schroeter

Born and raised in the Village of Markham, ON., Ed Schroeter has led a varied career as a playwright, newspaper reporter, theatre reviewer, theatre educator, elementary school teacher, and early mathematics researcher, curriculum writer, and presenter. In 1989, his historical play Indian Heart was awarded First Prize in the Annual National One-Act Playwriting Competition. In 1999, his play Fire in the Stable was awarded Third Prize in the same competition. From 1998 to 2008 he was the Artistic Producer and Playwright-in-Residence of Heritage Pavilion Stage, a young audience school tour company based in Peterborough, ON. that specialized in producing Ed’s history plays. Ed currently lives in Peterborough, ON., where he volunteers at Trent Valley Archives as the founder and playwright-in-residence of its Trent Valley Archives Theatre (2024).

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