Leslea Kroll

Pronouns: She/Her

Leslea Kroll is an Edmonton based writer. Her first play Domesticatrix was nominated for a Sterling Award for Outstanding Fringe New Work. An excerpt of the play was featured in The Martha Stewart Projects at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre. Her script ZedBC: Genus Lemus won the Alberta Playwrights’ Network annual playwriting competition. Her play White Count Up aired nationally on CBC Radio One. Monologues from The Light Fishers toured venues throughout Manitoba as part of International Women’s Week presented by Winnipeg’s Sarasvati Theatre. Some of her other plays include Swallow, Stains, Auksenberg: Trial by Fury, Wellspring and Riverside. Her play Babblers is featured in the third online volume of The Edmonton Public Library’s Capital City Press Anthology.

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