Elliott Hayes
Elliott Hayes (1956-1994) a prolific playwright, was born into a theatrical family in Stratford, Ontario. He studied theatre in England and worked in Hollywood before returning to Canada to serve as literary manager, dramaturge, and assistant director at the Stratford Festival. A master of Dark Comedy, Hayes’ Full-length, One-Act, and 10 minute plays continue to grace both professional and amateur stages across Canada and internationally. The Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas honored Hayes’ talent by establishing the “Elliott Hayes Award” to recognize high achievement in the creation of a work for the stage. In her forward, best-selling author Margaret Atwood described Hayes’ play, Homeward Bound as “a brisk, intricate, and tightly-strung play with a lot of laughter” and Toronto Star chief theatre critic Richard Ouzounian proclaimed it to be “one of the greatest plays that anybody has written in this country in my lifetime.”