David French

- Adaptations
- Collective Creation
- Dramaturgy/Dramaturgies
- Multimedia Theatre
- TYA (Theatre for Young Audiences)
Website: https://www.davidfrench.net
Agent: Colin Rivers, Marquis Literary
Agent Website
David French was one of Canada’s most significant playwrights. He is best known for his Mercer cycle, a critically acclaimed series of plays about a family, like his own, who emigrated from Newfoundland to Toronto. The Mercer plays include Leaving Home, a Canadian classic that has been produced from coast to coast and internationally; Of the Fields, Lately, which won the Chalmers Award and was produced on Broadway; Salt-Water Moon, a romantic two-hander that has been produced hundreds of times since it premiered; as well as Soldier’s Heart, and 1949. French’s other plays include the popular backstage comedy Jitters and the memory play That Summer. David was made an Officer of the Order of Canada in 2001; his citation reads, in part: “He is one of the finest dramatists to successfully present Canadian concerns and issues on stage. His well-known characters, the Mercers, have become touchstones in Canadian theatre.”