Jill Daum

Agent: Colin Rivers

Agent Website

Photographer: Kristine Cofsky

Jill Daum has been working as an actor and writer for over 40 years. She is one of the co-creators and performers of the internationally acclaimed plays: Moms the Word, Moms the Word Unhinged, Moms the Word ReMixed, Moms the Word Nest ½ Empty and Moms the Word Talkin’ Turkey. The “Moms” shows have been seen by millions of people all over the world and translated into a multitude of languages. There are currently productions scheduled in Germany, Switzerland and England. Jill also wrote the drama/comedy Forget About Tomorrow which premiered at the Arts Club Theatre and The Belfry Theatre. It’s a story close to home for her about a woman whose husband receives a diagnosis of early onset Alzheimers.

Plays Available at the Canadian Play Outlet:

Mom's the Word

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Forget About Tomorrow

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