Marshall Button
Marshall Button Actor/Director/Playwright/Arts Administrator/Journalist/Educator
Marshall Button lives in Moncton, New Brunswick where he occupies the posts of Artist-in-Residence at The Capitol Theatre, and president of The HubCap Comedy Festival. He is best known for his creation Lucien, New Brunswick’s Blue-Collar Philosopher. The five full-length Lucien plays have been performed more than 2,500 times throughout its nearly 40-year run. The series includes Lucien (1986), Lucien’s Labour Lost (1993), Lucien Snowbird (2003), Helter Smelter (2007), and Lucien in Trumpland (2021). He has also collaborated on many English-French translations of his and other playwright’s works.
A Paul Harris Fellow, he was awarded the Order of Moncton in 2012, the Order of New Brunswick in 2008 – when he was also awarded an honorary doctorate from St Thomas University. In 2023 he was a recipient of The Queen’s Jubilee Medal, and in 2024 was awarded the prestigious New Brunswick Lieutenant Governor’s award for excellence in the performing arts.
Plays Available at the Canadian Play Outlet:
Lucien, A Labour of Love
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