Maja Ardal

Pronouns: She/Her
- Adaptations
- Collective Creation
- Dramaturgy/Dramaturgies
- research
- Translations
- TYA (Theatre for Young Audiences)
Photographer: No Credit (forgot)
Maja an Icelandic Canadian living in Muskoka Ontario. Her work has been seen in Canada, the USA, the UK and Iceland. She created the multiple Dora-Award-winning theatre for babies, One Thing Leads to Another, and You and I, touring Canada and produced in the USA. Midnight Sun, produced by Tarragon Theatre, The National Arts Centre, and Gloucester Playhouse USA. Playwrights Canada Press published the following plays; You Fancy Yourself (Dora Award), The Cure for Everything, and HER2, produced by Buddies in Bad Times and Nightwood Theatre. 4thLine Theatre produced The Hero of Hunter Street, a musical play, and Wishful Seeing. She wrote She Visits, produced by Talk is Free Theatre. Upcoming for 4thLIne, The Legend of Pearl Hart, a musical play, and The Intruder. Maja has written articles about her work, most recently for Canadian Theatre Review 2024. Maja received the 2002 George Luscombe Award for Mentorship in Theatre.