Call for Submissions: Canadian Women in the Literary Arts
Call for Submissions: Canadian Women in the Literary Arts
CWILA is seeking writing by women, trans, genderqueer, and two-spirit Canadian writers on topics relating to literary arts. Possible genres include creative non-fiction, literary criticism, book reviews, essays, and any innovative, alternative or hybrid genres.
Submissions should explore topics related to women and other marginalized groups in literary arts, deepening our current conversation and leading it in new directions.
We especially welcome writers who have been excluded or marginalized by the mainstream literary culture due to gender, race, colonialism, class, disability, sexuality, or other reason.
Acceptance includes publication on the website and payment of a $200 honorarium.
Submissions should include a short bio (50 words) and the completed work (maximum 4,000 words), both as Word documents (.doc or .docx). Submissions must be original work notaccepted for paid publication elsewhere.
Submissions can be sent in English or French to We are open to submissions any time.