Call for Submission: Fireworks Playwrights Program

Call for Submission: Fireworks Playwrights Program

The Fireworks Playwrights Program
August 13, 2019
Montreal, Canada
Job Type


The Fireworks Playwrights Program is an intensive, structured, and guided learning/creating workshop experience that aims to assist emerging, socially engaged writers, particularly artists of colour and indigenous peoples, to develop their written voice and professional profile. Our goal is not only to increase the pool of socially engaged work, but also to assist the artist in gaining a better understanding of, and connection to, the arts ecology in which they work. A program to develop new plays using culturally sensitive dramaturgy that explores new forms of aesthetics.

Program Goals:
To increase the pool and strength of socially engaged writers, particularly those from underrepresented communities including Indigenous peoples.
To support the creation of a play to the point of workshop readiness and beyond
To support professional development by fostering good working habits and realistic awareness of the arts ecology in which the artist sits.
To address issues that hamper the advancement of the playwright.

Who is Eligible?
6-10 emerging or new playwrights will be selected. They can have a professional career in another area (i.e. actor, director etc.) but not in play-writing. Some factors that will improve the likelihood of your script being chosen include:
Plays with no production history: Strong outline but script feels unfinished.
Scripts turn on social, political or cultural issues.

Playwright has identifiable need: this may be beyond the page.

Availability: playwright needs to be able to commit to group meeting every two weeks for 4 hours.

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For more information, click here.

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