PlayZoomers – Call for Scripts
PlayZoomers – Call for Scripts
Ongoing Call:
We are always seeking short, medium, and full-length scripts that lend themselves to live, online (Zoom) production, with a maximum of 5 or 6 actors/characters. We are interested in straight plays, not musicals.
If you are interested in submitting scripts for PlayZoomers production consideration, please format your script according to these guidelines:
On the first page, please include the title, author, estimated run time, and contact info. On the next page, please include a logline/brief plot summary, a detailed character breakdown, and a brief author bio.
At the end of the script, please describe production details, such as visuals, costumes, props, music, and sound effects.
Send your script to There is a $10 script submission fee for plays with an estimated runtime of less than 15 minutes and a $15 script submission fee for plays with an estimated runtime of 15 minutes or longer. If the submission fee is unaffordable you may submit without it.
We will acknowledge your submission but regret that we cannot respond “yea” or “nay” to every script. If we are interested in producing it, we will let you know!
About PlayZoomers:
PlayZoomers is a live, online theatre company that has produced more than 100 plays since 2020. It was founded during the pandemic and has thrived ever since thanks to support by enthusiastic national and international theatre artists and audiences. We present seven performances (~22 plays) per year on Zoom – ranging from single, full-length plays to multiple short plays.
PlayZoomers produces appealing, affordable performances featuring original plays of different genres, lengths, and cast sizes. We offer audiences a way to experience theatre and connect with diverse, professional theatre artists regardless of the weather, their location, finances, mobility, or other factors. The company offers opportunities for actors to flex their creative muscles in new ways, for directors to rise to the challenge of online production, and for playwrights to adapt their work to a digital platform while reaching a new audience. PlayZoomers provides an opportunity for theatre artists to work with others across the country and around the world in a way not possible in live theatre.