Paddy Gillard-Bentley

Pronouns: She/Her


Website: http://

Photographer: Darlene Spencer

Paddy Gillard-Bentley is a playwright, director and producer. She is the founding Artistic Director of Flush Ink Productions (2006 – ). Paddy’s had over one hundred productions of her plays performed in England, Ireland, Australia, USA, France and Canada. Some titles include – Shaking the Dew from the Lilies, Accidental Fish, Sanguine Sonata, And Then She Tasted Cerulean Blue, Quantum Entanglement, Shaking the Trees, Bingo Wings, Haunting the Penumbra and A Rose Upon the Blood, which toured Ireland in 2016. Five of her plays have been published with Meriwether, Routledge, I.C.W.P Press and Pandamonium Publishing House, with two more in upcoming publications in 2024. Paddy is a past president of The International Centre for Women Playwrights and has recently finished her first book, The Jazz Musician’s Daughter.

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