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This form, when checked by all parties, documents an Agreement between the Host, the Playwright(s), and PGC to all follow the guidelines and responsibilities outlined below.

PGC agrees to pay the Playwright a fee of $150 (for half readings) or $275 (for full readings) after the Playwright Evaluation Form has been submitted.

PGC agrees to act as a network liaison between the Playwright and Host by:

  • Confirming reading logistics and documenting all details.
  • Providing an invoice to the Host for the administration fee.
  • Providing fee payments to the Playwright.


The Host agrees to the following responsibilities:

  • Providing free and open access to all interested community members.
  • Paying an administrative fee of fifty Canadian dollars ($50 CAD) unless subsidized or waived by PGC.
  • Providing the venue or online platform for the reading event.
  • Follow all current public health guidelines for theatre events in your region.
  • If planning an in-person event, be able to pivot to an online reading in the case that in-person events in your region are cancelled.
  • Adhering to Canadian copyright law (e.g. no reproductions or changes to the play without the copyright holder/playwright’s permission).
  • Refrain from recording and posting the reading online after the event. PlayConnect provides a fee to the playwright for a one-time live reading only. If the host and playwright wish to keep their reading up online after the event, an additional agreement can be discussed.
  • Promoting the event to their community and audience. All promotion will be approved by and shared with PGC.
  • Communicating with PGC about all logistics from the start to the end of the event planning process.


The Playwright agrees to the following responsibilities:

  • Providing PGC with a VOID cheque unless other payment arrangements have been made.
  • Calling PGC’s office to provide your SIN.
  • Communicating availability and scheduling conflicts with PGC leading up to the event.
  • Reading from the play agreed upon with the Host at the event.
  • Submitting a Playwright Evaluation Form within one month after the reading of the event.
  • Maintaining a membership in good standing with PGC throughout the duration of the PlayConnect booking.
  • Include travel insurance that allows for cancellations if booking travel for a reading event.
  • Follow all current public health guidelines for theatre events in the region that you are reading in.


Cancellation Policy:

If the reading event is cancelled after the Playwright has booked transportation, the party responsible for the cancellation must reimburse the playwright of that cost. If the Playwright is the one to cancel the reading, they will not be reimbursed for transportation nor will they receive the reading fee.

If the Host cancels the reading with more than 48 hours notice, PGC will work with the Playwright to find another reading opportunity. If the Host cancels the reading with 48 hours notice or less, PGC will still pay the playwright their reading fee. If the playwright has booked transportation before the Host cancels, the Host is responsible for reimbursing the playwright for that cost.

If the Playwright cancels the reading event with more than 5 business days notice, PGC will work with the Host to find another playwright to read at the scheduled event, if desired.

If PGC cancels the reading event with less than 48 hours, PGC will pay the playwright their reading fee.


Please fill out the following reading event details and agree to the PlayConnect guidelines.

  • mm/dd/yyyy
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Optional. If you don't know the time yet, please leave blank.
  • This applies if the reading is part of a larger event or has been given an event name. If there is no name to the event, you may leave this blank.
  • *** Please do not fill out if you are using an online platform to host the reading.
  • Please put TBD or TBA if the play has not yet been decided on.
  • Please note that this will include a fee that is paid by the host to the playwright.
  • All individuals have the right to be respected, and to receive fair and equitable treatment. PGC is committed to providing and maintaining a professional environment in which all individuals are free from workplace harassment, sexual harassment, and discrimination based on race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnicity, identity, ability, citizenship, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, age, marital status, family status, political affiliation, religion affiliation, language, education, socio-economic status, and/or other identifying factors. All PGC members and program participants are responsible for conducting themselves in a manner that promotes a conducive professional environment and respect for all individuals. Any participant who does not comply with this Agreement will be dismissed from this program immediately.
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