Jenny Munday Atlantic Canadian Play Award – Deadline: 2025/02/15

Jenny Munday Atlantic Canadian Play Award – Deadline: 2025/02/15

Playwrights Atlantic Resource Centre
January 30, 2025
Atlantic Canada, Canada
Job Type


This award honours Jenny Munday, PARC’s inaugural Artistic Director who dedicated 20 years of service to the organization, celebrating her legacy while providing vital support and recognition to playwrights from Atlantic Canada.

Award Submission Guidelines:

  • Submissions are open to: 
    • previously produced playwrights only;
    • Atlantic Canadian plays;
    • active PARC & non-PARC members
      • the winning entry gets a membership (if applicable).
  • Submitted scripts must: 
    • be unproduced or have one production only in the 2 years previous to the deadline;
    • be original work;
    • be numbered,
    • be formatted in any legible font (Times New Roman, Arial, Courier, etc.), size 12, with 1.5 spacing:
    • have the playwright’s name and contact info on the cover page.
  • No minimum or maximum length;
  • One submission per playwright;
  • Submission fee is $30.
  • Scripts submitted in previous years are not eligible (unless there has been a substantial rewrite).

Assessment Criteria:

The Jenny Munday Atlantic Canadian Play Award recognizes and celebrates artistry in writing for the stage. Assessment of submissions by the peer jury includes evaluation of the following:

  • the merit of the writing;
  • the social and/or cultural merit of the work;
  • the originality of content, approach, or technique;
  • the suitability for stage production.


  • Produced play:
    • A theatre production where artists involved received remuneration for their work.
      • Fringe productions or equivalent are considered theatrical productions, as long as it is demonstrated that artists got compensated for their work.
  • Atlantic Canadian play:
    • A script written by a playwright who was born or has lived for a substantial portion of their life in Atlantic Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia or Prince Edward Island) or is currently a resident of Atlantic Canada.
  • Resident of Atlantic Canada:
    • A Canadian citizen or a landed immigrant who has lived in the region for at least two years before the deadline.

The inaugural prize will be $1,500.00 with two prizes of $500.00 for the runners-up.

Submissions for the Jenny Munday Atlantic Canadian Play Award open on December 15, 2024. The submission deadline is February 15, 2025. Atlantic Canadian playwrights are invited to submit their original work for consideration. The winning scripts will be announced on May 14, 2025 at PARC’s annual Playwrights’ Retreat.

Interested playwrights can submit their scripts HERE.

If you have questions or access needs, please reach out to PARC’s Artistic Director, Santiago Guzmán, at

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